Call for Paper

Journal Description

Health in Emergencies and Disasters  is a quarterly journal that published in Health in Emergencies and Disasters Research Center of University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences in English. HEDQ focuses on collaboration among researchers, health professionals and community as the key to sharing knowledge, experiences and thus improving health in emergencies and disasters. The journal provides a means for associations, institutions, centers, foundations, companies, and individuals concerned with emergencies and disasters to share perspectives, concerns, ideas, and information that will foster cooperative efforts to improve health in emergencies and disasters. HEDQ is an open-access blind peer-reviewed academic journal published in English. Manuscripts and inquiries should be submitted to the editor online at  We look forward to receive your submissions, and welcome any comments and ideas you may have.

Aim & Scope

Health in Emergencies and Disasters has established to form an academic platform and provide a scientific network for sharing, transferring, and exchanging knowledge in the field of the health in disaster and emergency and to facilitate diffusion of research results among researchers. Scope of Journal includes all topics related to the health in disasters and emergencies in form of original paper, review paper, short communication, case study and field reports, editorial, commentary, policy brief and book review.

Subjects to be covered in the journal: HEDQ covers all topics related to different aspects of preserving and/or enhancing health in emergencies and disasters (i.e. health care services/organizations, civil engineering, geology/geometry, policy making, socio-cultural considerations, ethical issues, political emergencies, economic crises, climate change, etc) from international researchers.

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